Hepalta strives to make everyone healthy and ensure purity in their lives through pure air.
We have over 30 years experience and success in supplying and servicing the HEPA Filter Systems to homeowners and businesses. Everyone who wants good health needs this equipment, in order to protect and maintain good health. AMairCare HEPA Filters GIVES MANY PROVEN HEALTH BENEFITS.
Hepalta provides Asthma and Allergy Sufferers and those wanting clean air, with the Amaircare HEPA Purifier designed to make the air cleaner and easier to breathe at home or in the office. Amaircare’s only business is Quality Purifiers, so when it comes to purification, filtration and air cleaning, we know best. We have responded to today’s environmental market demands with a full line of Purifiers, Home, Commercial and Industrial Purifiers.